Wednesday 21 March 2012


Many people ask me where do I get my supplies... I have several online shops I go to and I tend to keep going to the same ones basically because of their service and variety of supplies.
I don't normally publish reviews, but I must write and tell you about Gone Sewing, click on the logo below to visit their site:

Hi ha molta gent que em pregunta a on compro material que no sigui tela. Hi ha una botiga que vaig descobrir fa un parell d'anys i m'agradaria recomenar-vos-la. Normalment no faig publicitat de cap botiga al blog, pero aquesta s'ho val, Gone Sewing, cliqueu al logo per visitar la web:

I found parts for my friend's Kenmore sewing machine (extra feet, bobbins, brush, etc...) and also for my Brother too. I have purchased rulers, scissors, needle cases, needles, bobbin cases... at great prices.
They have a flat rate shipping to anywhere intermationally, $3.33! Their packaging is very good and their costumer service is great. I haven't got paid to write this post! :-) but I recently made a mistake placing an order and they have been extremely helpful to me, so much so, that this is my way to thank them.

He trobat parts per a la meva maquina i per la Kenmore d'una amiga, peus, bobines, agulles... i tambe he trobat regles, tisores, estoigs per les agulles i les bobines, boligrafs, llapissos marcadors... a molt bon preu. El millor es que nomes cobren $3.33 per l'enviament a qualsevol lloc del mon. L'embalatge es molt bo i sobretot, l'atencio al client fantastica. Val la pena que hi feu una ullada. No m'han pagat pas per excriure aquest post! :-) pero fa poc que em vaig equivocar fent una comanda i m'han ajudat moltissim. Aquesta es la meva manera d'agrair-los-hi.


  1. Thanks for the tip b/c my sewing machine is on the way out and if it needed a part I now know where to look! Fi

  2. Gràcies pel consell'


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