Sunday 10 January 2010


M'encanta el patchwork, quin vici! Un cop comences no pots parar...pero jo si que ho vaig fer i encara tinc "aquell projecte interminable"! Algun dia l'acabare i tindra un apartat molt especial en aquest blog...
Mentrestant, vaig ensenyant els petits projectes (tots fets a ma) que he anat fent.
Comenc,o per aquest petit individual que vaig regalar a la meva mare. En aquell moment, encara no sabia ben be com cosir la vora amb una pec,a diferent. Ja veieu que vaig sortir-ne com vaig poder! Pero gracies a aquest llibre he pogut millorar molt mes la tecnica i he apres molts trucs. Us el recomano.

I love patchwork, what a hobby! Once you start you can't stop... but I did stop and still have "that neverending project"! One day I will finish it and it will have a special place in this blog...
Meanwhile, I'll show you all the little things (hand sewn) that I've made up until now.
I'm starting with this little place mat that I gave to my ma as a present. At that time I didn't know how to add a border and you can see I could hardly managed. Now I know how to, and it was thanks to this book, from where I've learnt a lot of tricks and have improved the technique. I recommend it!


  1. Que bonic Irina, m'encanta! Com ho cuses, a màquina o a mà?

  2. Per cert, benvinguda al món blocaire!

  3. Hola Apanona!!!
    Moltes gracies per la visit i la benvinguda!
    Doncs aquest individual el vaig cosir a ma, perque encara no sabia cosir a maquina. El Projecte Interminable es una vanova i es la primera cosa comenc,ada a amb la maquina...potser que posi fotos i aixi anireu veient el proces...;-)


I love your comments! M'agraden els vestries comentaris!


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